February 28, 2014 – Special Meeting Minutes

    One Cablevision Center
    Ferndale, New York 12734
    (845) 295-2603 – telephone
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    Friday, February 28, 2014 

    I.         CALL TO ORDER

    Chairman Steingart called to order the special meeting of the County of Sullivan Industrial Development Agency at approximately 12:00 pm., which was held in the Legislative Committee Room at the Sullivan County Government Center, Monticello, New York.  All legal requirements to hold a special meeting have been met.

    II.       ROLL CALL

    Members Present-                              Members Absent-

    Ira Steingart                                          Sandy Shaddock

    Sean Rieber

    Edward Sykes

    Suzanne Loughlin

    Steve White

    Charles Barbuti

    Staff Present-                                             Staff Absent-

    Jennifer C.S. Brylinski, Exec. Director         Jen Flad, VP Business Development

    Others Present-

    Allan C. Scott, ALSCO Management, Inc. /Consultant /IDA CEO

    Walter F. Garigliano, Esq., Agency Legal Counsel


    Attorney Garigliano explained the process of the termination of projects that have come to the end of their agreement period.  This year there are four: RobertDennis LLC (Cochecton Mills), Fosterdale Equipment, Paradise II, and Frontier Insurance.  Resolutions to approve an amendment to the RobertDennis lease agreement, to approve the termination of the RobertDennis project, to approve an amendment to the Fosterdale Equipment Corporation lease agreement, and to approve the termination of the Fosterdale Equipment project were handed out.  Ms. Loughlin made a motion to approve all four resolutions, which was seconded by Mr. White.  The Board voted and the resolutions were unanimously approved.

    The Board discussed a resolution terminating the Paradise II project that has come to the end of its agreement with the IDA.  Mr. Rieber made a motion to approve the resolution, seconded by Mr. White.  The Board voted and the resolution was unanimously approved with Mr. Sykes abstaining because of his interest in the Jeff Bank.

    The Board went into Executive Session at 12:10 PM to discuss the finances of specific projects and pending litigation involving Frontier Insurance.  Note that Board Member Ms. Loughlin left the room and was not present for the discussion regarding Frontier Insurance because of her past involvement with that corporation.

    The Board came out of Executive Session at 1:35 PM. 

                The Board discussed a resolution authorizing the Chairman to enter into an agreement with the Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman and Dicker agency to promote economic development activities in Sullivan County in an amount not to exceed $100,000.  Mr. Rieber made a motion to approve the resolution, seconded by Ms. Loughlin.  The Board voted and the resolution was unanimously approved.

    The Board discussed a resolution authorizing the Agency to terminate its agreement with the RMG Land Holdings project and record a deed transferring the project parcels back to the project principals.  Mr. Barbuti made a motion to approve the resolution, seconded by Mr. White.  The Board voted and the resolution was unanimously approved.

    The Board discussed a resolution authorizing the Agency to accept the proposal for the Red Meat building design to Habig & Cirillo Architects who were the low bidder, as required by a US Department of Commerce (majority funders of the project) decision.  Mr. Sykes made a motion to approve the resolution, seconded by Mr. Rieber.  The Board voted and the resolution was unanimously approved with Mr. Barbuti abstaining because he is the Supervisor from the affected Town of Liberty.

    The Board discussed submitting an application to the Department of Agriculture for a Rural Business Enterprise Grant (RBEG) to obtain the balance of the Food Hub funding and engaging a consultant to write the application.  The Board  unanimously approved the submittal of the application and engaging a consultant to conduct this work.

    The Board discussed approving the elimination of the security requirement for the Villa Roma PILOT payment.  They requested that Counsel work with the project to develop an appropriate resolution to be brought before the Board at a future meeting.

    The Board discussed approving an installment payment schedule for Brynn Dyl LLC (Poley Paving Corporation) for their 2014 PILOT and the execution and delivery of a PILOT Mortgage.  Mr. Rieber will contact the applicant and Counsel with develop an appropriate resolution to be brought before the Board at a future meeting.

    The Board discussed the 457 Equities project and the process for them to submit monthly even payments to be held in escrow for their 2015 PILOT payment.  It was noted that the prior year resolution and project documents made provisions for the future payments and no further approvals were needed.


    There being no public comment, on a motion made by Mr. Barbuti, and seconded by Mr. Rieber, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 1:45 pm.            

    Respectfully submitted:

    Jennifer CS Brylinski

    Executive Director


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