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Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Chairman Steingart called to order the regular meeting of the County of Sullivan Industrial Development Agency at approximately 10:02 A.M., which was held in the Legislative Committee Room at the Sullivan County Government Center, Monticello, New York.
Members Present- Members Absent-
Ira Steingart None
Harris Alport
Charles Barbuti
Cindy Garlinghouse
Harold Gold
Suzanne Loughlin
(Pls. note that Ms. Loughlin arrived at
approximately 10:45 A.M.)
Edward Sykes
Raymond Walter
Steve White
(Please be advised that Ms. Garlinghouse and Mr. Walter
submitted their letters of resignation to the IDA Board,
effective June 12, 2012 at 5 P.M.)
Staff Present- Staff Absent-
Jennifer C.S. Brylinski, Exec. Dir. None
Elizabeth A. Hunt, Exec. Assistant
Others Present-
Allan C. Scott, ALSCO Management, Inc. /Consultant /IDA CEO
Walter F. Garigliano, Esq., Agency Legal Counsel
Tara Lewis, Garigliano Law Offices
Scott Samuelson, Sullivan County Legislator
“Gene” Benson, Sullivan County Legislator
Cora Edwards, Sullivan County Legislator
Cindy Gieger, Sullivan County Legislator
Kathleen LaBuda, Sullivan County Legislator
Jennifer Mall, SC Planning Department Agriculture Planner
Others Present Continued-
Dan Hust, Sullivan County Democrat
Leonard Sparks, Times Herald Record
Sandy Ackerly
Sonia Hedlund
Sean Rieber
Dick Riseling
Ken Walter
(Please note that not all attendees were present for the entire meeting)
Mr. Barbuti made a motion to jointly approve the minutes of the May 8, 2012 regular meeting and the May 18, 2012 Special Meeting. The motion was seconded by Ms. Garlinghouse, the Board voted and the motion was unanimously carried.
Mr. Sykes made a motion to approve the schedule of payments, the motion was seconded by Mr. White, the Board voted and the motion was unanimously carried.
Jennifer Brylinski
Ms. Brylinski wished to thank Mr. Walter and Ms. Garlinghouse for their service to the IDA Board. She pointed out that Mr. Walter has been on the Board since 1992. Legislator Samuelson presented Mr. Walter and Ms. Garlinghouse with Certificates regarding their service to the IDA Board.
She advised the County’s Microenterprise Assistance Program loan program recipients will be named soon and those who did not receive full funding from the County, the IDA will begin to review their applications.
She advised that Glenn Smith is moving forward with the Red Meat Processing Facility regarding the bidding process for site work. The necessary paperwork has been submitted to the US Department of Commerce and now Mr. Smith is waiting for their approval so the bidding process can begin.
Allan C. Scott
Mr. Scott advised that among other things, his activities for the past month included attending the Board of Supervisor’s Meeting where he talked about the various IDA loan programs. He, along with Todd Erling, are in the process of making arrangements to meet with each town. Presently the meetings that are scheduled run from June through August. He met with new applicants for both loan and possible tax abatements, attended meeting with the new President of the Board of Directors of Cornell Cooperative, various meeting with legal counsel and meetings with Ideal Snacks. There was a discussion regarding the number of employees and wages at the Ideal Snacks facility.
Mr. Garigliano passed out a resolution approving the 2nd quarter of 2012 payment to the Partnership for Economic Development. On a motion by Mr. Gold, seconded by Mr. Alport, the Board voted and the resolution was unanimously passed.
Ms. Brylinski advised the Board and those present that the item listed on the agenda regarding the discussion of the Hudson Valley AgriBusiness Development Corporation was being tabled until a later date.
There was a lengthy discussion by the Board and those present regarding the Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program (“RMAP”) as well as the other IDA loan funds. Some, but not all, of the items discussed were the workings of the RMAP loan/grant, monies available for the loan funds and the requirements, the fact that not all of the IDA’s loan funds have been geared towards larger businesses, the federal guidelines and procedures that need to be followed regarding the RMAP loan/grant and the prudent business requirements of the loan applicants. Mr. Gold asked of the press that was present if they would kindly put a blurb in their publication regarding the IDA’s loan funds so the public would be made of them. Mr. Garigliano advised of some of the types of business that have applied recently for loans. Mr. Barbuti made a motion to approve the RMAP guidelines that was given to the Board for their review, the motion was seconded by Mr. Sykes, the Board voted and the RMAP Guidelines were unanimously adopted.
Mr. Garigliano advised the Chairman and the Board that the meeting will need to be recessed to approximately 2 weeks from today as well as a meeting of the SCFC. Reason for this being that the RMAP loan/grant funds can only be drawn down quarterly so the Board will need to approve the applicants by the end of the month.
Chairman Steingart advised that because of resignation of Mr. Walter and Ms. Garlinghouse, that new members need to be appointed to various IDA and SCFC committees. He officially appointed the following:
Agri-Business Revolving Loan Fund Committee: CEO, Edward Sykes, Steve White
Revolving Loan Fund Committee: CEO, Edward Sykes, Steve White
Rural Microentrepreneurial Assistance Program Committee: CEO, Suzanne Loughlin, Charles Barbuti
Chairman Steingart also advised of the members of the SCFC Millennium Loan Fund Committee. At the upcoming SCFC meeting the members will officially be appointed. They are: CEO, Harris Alport, Harold Gold
Mr. Garigliano asked if the Board could call an executive session regarding the 457 Equities project and a litigation issue. The Board agreed but first Chairman Steingart questioned if there was any public comment.
Ms. Hedlund asked if focus could be made on the purchaser of the cheesmobile regarding one of the IDA’s loan funds. It was also asked if Todd Erling would be able to assist in this matter.
Ms. Hedlund inquired about the technical assistance portion of the RMAP loan/grant.
Ken Walter made comment on the salaries and tax base in Sullivan County.
Mr. Barbuti commented that it is important to buy local in Sullivan County. There was a brief discussion.
Chairman Steingart asked if there was any further public comment. There was none.
Mr. Barbuti made a motion to go into executive session, the motion was seconded by Mr. Alport, the Board voted and the motion was unanimously carried. The Board went into executive session at approximately 11:06 A.M.
On a motion by Ms. Loughlin, seconded by Mr. White, the Board came out of executive session at approximately 11:24 A.M.
There being no more business before the Board, on a motion by Mr. Sykes, seconded by Ms. White, the Board unanimously agreed that the current meeting would be recessed until Tuesday, June 26th at 10:00 A.M. at the same location. The meeting was recessed at approximately 11:27 A.M.
Respectfully submitted:
Elizabeth A. Hunt
Executive Assistant