Meeting Minutes – December 9, 2014

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    Tuesday, December 9, 2014


    Chairman Steingart called to order the regular meeting of the County of Sullivan Industrial Development Agency at approximately 2:10 pm, held in the Legislative Committee Room at the Sullivan County Government Center, Monticello, New York.


                Members Present-                              Members Absent-

    Ira Steingart                                          Sandy Shaddock

    Edward Sykes                                         Suzanne Loughlin

    Charlie Barbuti                                        Carol Roig

    Sean Rieber

    Howard Siegel

    Staff Present-                                             Staff Absent-

    Jennifer C.S. Brylinski, Exec. Director         Jen Flad, VP Bus. Dev.

    Others Present-

    Steve White, Agency CEO

    Walter F. Garigliano, Esq., Agency Legal Counsel

    Tara Lewis, Garigliano Law Offices

    Scott Samuelson, Chairman, SC Legislature

    Dan Hust, SC Democrat

    Allan Scott


    Mr. Rieber moved to approve the minutes of the November 18, 2014, regular meeting and the November 25 reconvened meeting.  Mr. Sykes seconded the motion, the Board voted and the minutes of the two meetings were unanimously approved.


    Mr. Sykes made a motion to approve the revised schedule of payments.  Mr. Siegel seconded the motion, the Board voted and the revised schedule of payments was unanimously approved.

                Jennifer C.S. Brylinski, Executive Director

    Ms. Brylinski advised the Board the Ms. Flad was back at the IDA office conducting a bid opening for equipment that costs over $10,000 for the Red Meat Facility.  Ms. Flad was also in the process of procuring other quotes for items under $10,000.  The Board was also informed that the new Red Meat Facility building was expected to be delivered tomorrow.

    Ms. Brylinski congratulated the Board for receiving an award from the Sullivan County Visitors Association on December 4th at the Visitors Association Annual Meeting and Holiday Celebration for the Agency’s assistance with tourism and economic development, especially with potential casinos.


    A resolution to approval the Fourth Quarterly Payment to the Partnership for Economic Development was presented to the Board.  Because of a lack of eligible voters for a quorum, the Board recommended the payment be made now, and the Board would formally approve the payment at the January meeting.


    The Board discussed its meeting schedule for 2015 and decided that it would change its meeting dates to the second Monday of each month at 11:00 am in the Government Center’s Legislative Committee Room, Monticello, NY, except for October’s meeting which will be the third Monday because of Columbus Day on the second Monday.  This schedule was unanimously approved.

    Ms. Brylinski conducted the Environmental Review for the Center One Holdings, LLC, expansion proposal.  The review by the Board mirrored the review that was conducted and approved by the Village of Woodridge Planning Board and their engineer Glenn Smith.  Mr. Siegel made a motion to declare a Negative Declaration on the Environmental Review, seconded by Mr. Barbuti, and the Board unanimously agreed.

    Mr. Garigliano further explained the proposal and handed out the resolution approving the Center One Holdings expansion project. A discussion ensued.  Mr. Rieber expressed a desire to see a change in IDA policy regarding seasonal projects because he opined the benefit to the community was not as great as a year-round project.  He stated that his comments were not specific to this project but would like to see the issue discussed.  Mr. Sykes asked how a seasonal camp would fit into that formula, especially considering that camps that the IDA has assisted have spent considerable sums of money renovating facilities that were prior eye-sores.  Mr. Barbuti expressed his desire to accommodate the summer business considering how the County is a major tourist destination.  Mr. Siegel stated that the Agency was not turning down year-round businesses to assist seasonal businesses, so both could be helped.  Mr. Garigliano stated that when this IDA proposes to assist a retail business it gets the support and approval from the local government first.  He also stated that our programs help with the long term payment transactions for the town and developer because of the set agreement terms.  It was agreed that after the New Year and a determination in the casino issue, the Board could resume its review of its Uniform Tax Exempt Policy. On a motion by Mr. Sykes, seconded by Mr. Barbuti, the Board unanimously approved the resolution.

    While handing out the resolution regarding the approval of a refinancing with the Catskill Hudson Bank by Cannie D’s Corner Corporation project, Mr. Garigliano explained that this was a routine request, and that the reason the Agency had been asked by Cannie D’s to approve this resolution was to extend the term and reduce the interest rate on their current mortgage.  Mr. Rieber disclosed to the Board that the owner of Cannie D’s was a client of his.  On a motion by Mr. Barbuti, seconded by Mr. Sykes, the motion was unanimously approved.

    Mr. Garigliano handed out a resolution regarding an amended PILOT agreement between the Agency and the Kohl’s New York D.C., Inc. project.  He explained that Kohl’s Empire Zone benefits are expiring and with the current equalization rate the taxes paid would drop significantly.  The Town of Mamakating, the Ellenville School District, and Kohl’s had approached the Agency Counsel to help implement a fixed PILOT that would ease the transition to the new payment.  The resolution would give the IDA CEO authority to sign a fixed PILOT payment agreement with Kohl’s.    On a motion by Mr. Rieber, seconded by Mr. Siegel, the resolution passed unanimously.

    There being no further discussion by the Board or any public comment, on a motion made by Mr. Sykes and seconded by Mr. Barbuti, at approximately 3:00 pm the meeting was adjourned.            

    Respectfully submitted:
    Jennifer CS Brylinski
    Executive Director


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